WW: My Diet

Feb 14, 2014 | Other | 0 comments

So… completely Wellness, but not so Wednesday… Thinking Healthy Thursday? What is it with me and alliterations. ANYWAYS- yes I missed Wellness Wednesday this week- but only by a day, everything in moderation right? even Wellness being posted on Wednesdays.

So this post of Wellness is all about my diet, how I am changing & reducing it, and my general philosophy on diets and eating. I am posting this because I think a lot of people can relate to wanting to change their diet and feel healthier, maybe lose a bit of weight and get some more energy!

(Just because I felt like I need to have SOME pictures)

After finishing university and a host of other family/life things going on, I’ve found myself in a bit of a rut of self-neglect when it comes to my diet, and now I am left with a lack of energy and few extra unwanted pounds that prevent me from taking full advantage of my wardrobe. And don’t get me wrong with any of this- I believe in loving yourself at any weight and being comfortable in your skin- but I do really want to fit into my whole wardrobe again and the weight/body composition that I have now is not my happiest or healthiest self.

Now my philosophy on dieting is very much about a lifestyle change and not about a quick ‘lose 20 lbs in 2 weeks’- because I have done fast weight loss before, and it doesn’t work out in the long run. Which is also why I did not start this as a New Year’s resolution- simply because I have to really want this and be motivated to fully commit, and I simply wasn’t ready in January, but I am feeling a little more confident and motivated now- so onwards and upwards!

There are no set ‘unbreakable rules’ or extremes to my diet just some key elements to follow:

– As little refined sugar as possible (my ultimate addiction)

– As little processed food as possible

-No food after dinner (or like 4 hours before bed)

– Snacks between meals (eating consistently 3 meals 2 snacks everyday)

-Good protein sources and fat sources at each meal

-Lots of fruits and vegetables (high fiber)

-Lots of water and liquids 

To sum this up it would be a: low carb – high fiber – high protein – high healthy fats- diet designed to keep your blood sugar regulated. Because I believe that your biggest diet enemy is simple carbs (like sugar and starches) that spike your blood sugar really high, then drop it down just as fast leaving you tired and hungrier than before- think 30 minutes after you ate that chocolate bar on an empty stomach…

On top of those general guidelines for a healthy everyday diet, to reduce more in the weight-loss phase of this diet I’m trying to avoid all grain products (except my oatmeal in the morning), trying to limit my fat intake slightly, reduce my alcohol intake, and I am trying to go a little lighter on the fruit and a little heavier on the vegetables. But really the main goal is to cut out the chocolate, and the sugars which are my ultimate and terrible addiction (chocolate and red wine- why must you taste so good!). 

Another important key to note about this diet is that you can actually eat a lot of food, I mean you can have a heaped plate of food full of bright veggies and good sources of protein- I’m all about eating large quantities because I think I would starve on a single portion of a pre-packaged microwave meal, which is why a lot of other diets don’t work very well for me because I do really like to eat a lot of food!

So I hope this wasn’t a boring post for you all- I know that I am a super nosey person who loves to know about other people’s diets and things they eat. Also because I am making a real effort to change my diet and lose weight you can expect more Wellness Wednesdays about the things that I have been eating, my diet progress, ways that I stay motivated and things like that- if there are any questions or diet-related post requests than feel free to comment! 

Also- in a past Wellness Wednesday I posted about these health/fitness gurus I love on Youtube- The Lean Machines who also share in the same philosophy I have about food and diets and are much better at explaining it and are also super sexy (which can never hurt) so I would encourage you to check them out for more good diet info!

Hope you are having a very healthy Thursday! 

xo erin


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