Sewing Projects
Dior Inspired

Dior Inspired

Hi All! So a couple weeks ago the Sewcialist group from Toronto, decided to get together for a fancy sewing outing. It was a chance to see the Dior Exhibit happening at the ROM, have high tea, and of course, wear our fancy me-mades. Now I have to say that I don't...

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Elmira Wrap Top | Fall Sewing

Elmira Wrap Top | Fall Sewing

Hi All,   It was about that time again where I needed to sew something that wasn't a bra, and this time I settled on something that felt very fall to me - a wrap top. Something that is light, but cosy, that wraps you up, but doesn't smother you in warmth just...

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Me Made May: Week 3

Me Made May: Week 3

Hi All! Another week of May just sailing past. This time I took as many photos as last week- not too bad lol! It's always amazing to me how much things change in May- the month always starts out cold, in sweaters and jackets and jeans- then by three weeks in you can...

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Me Made May: Week 2

Me Made May: Week 2

Hi All, Week 2 of Me Made May has come and gone, and I have to admit that I wasn't quite as good at taking pictures of all my me-mades this week. I do wear me-mades every day, but a lot of the time they are repeats, or not super photo worthy (like my really old but...

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The Start of Me Made May

The Start of Me Made May

Hi All!   I can't believe it's already May. I think I do this every year- It starts with Fall and I love the crisp cool weather, then it's winter and I'm like- this is cool, I like this- then it's still winter.. and I think it will never end and just accept that...

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Ogden Cami Dress & #MMMay2017

Ogden Cami Dress & #MMMay2017

Hi All! I decided it was time to do a little selfish sewing 🙂 With my trip to Barcelona last month, and Me Made May coming up I wanted to think of a perfect addition to my spring/summer wardrobe. I wanted something light, something simple, something comfortable and...

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A Little Mom & Me Sewing

A Little Mom & Me Sewing

Hi All! It was time for a little selfish sewing this month. Something that wasn't underwear, something that would add to my non-lingerie wardrobe. But instead of pure selfish sewing, I decided it would be better if mom and I did a swap and sewed something for each...

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[Style Search] Week 7 The Ogden Cami

[Style Search] Week 7 The Ogden Cami

Hi All! Back to the Style Search! And this week I decided that after some skirts, and a dress, it was about time that I added some classic tops to my wardrobe. Looking through my wardrobe I realized that I have absolutely no spaghetti strap tank tops- I have some...

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[Style Search] Week 3: First Make

[Style Search] Week 3: First Make

Hi All! After last week I definitely needed a little time away from my closet, and to recharge in front of my sewing machine, think about everything and process a little more. Firstly thanks so much for all of your amazing comments! You guys are the best! You gave me...

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[Style Search]: Words & Colours

[Style Search]: Words & Colours

Hi All! Style time! So I've been thinking a lot more about my style, and reading through all of the amazing links that you're sending me, and suggesting- and it's all so much to take in! But I have taken the time to do two things: write down key style words that I...

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[Style Search] Week 1 My Style Story

[Style Search] Week 1 My Style Story

Hi All! Here marks the beginning of my style search. *deep breath* I have to say that I'm a little nervous for this, and I feel a little vulnerable. I've felt this style crisis coming on for a couple years now, and although I feel like I have a fairly strong sense of...

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[WEEK 3]: MMMAY16 Round Up!

[WEEK 3]: MMMAY16 Round Up!

Hi All! Week 3 has already come to an end, how does time move so quickly? And I have to say that time slipped out too quickly this week, and I didn't have time to get my indie make done. After fighting a terrible cold for the first half of the month (since when do...

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[WEEK 2] MMMay16 Round-Up!

[WEEK 2] MMMay16 Round-Up!

Hi All! It's already the end of week 2 of Me Made May, and I have to say that I'm just as smitten with it as last week 🙂 This week I've worn lots of my me-made underwear, some me-made pjs, an indie pattern make from last MMMAY and of course my latest indie pattern...

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The Hudson Pant

The Hudson Pant

Hi All! It's time for my second indie pattern make of Me Made May! And I'm SO happy I chose this pattern I love it! This week I made the Hudson Pants from True Bias .   I made them using a deep fuchsia, thick stretch knit with this subtle zig-zag texture. For the...

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